the type of home that's right for me


Hello INTJ over the world (also me) hahaha you're intelligent but reserved, and you love to analyze the future possibilities to see what suits you best. You have a bit of a creative side that is often overlooked, but your heart fixates on having a plan and having stucture that is also beautiful in its own right. An Art Deco style home would be a great fit. Though these architecture styles are usually found in office buildings or movie theaters, there are still homes that adapt to this particular aesthetic. Art Deco focuses on geometric shapes and the mathematical fascination behind architecture. While clean and bold lines are present, it's also not uncommon to see zigzag or chevron patterns interwoven. People note that Art Deco styles tent to blur the lines between science and art, and with your love for both of these, it only makes sense that you would feel at home! yey!