It's always mystery. We were in a friendship since Junior High School. We both live in Batu city. After graduated, Uchi went to college in another city, months after that, Pupud also went to college in another city. So we were having 'long distance friendship'. The only chance we can meet was when we go home to Batu city. Years passed, uchi went back to Batu city. Actually the chance we could meet each other is higher, whenever Pupud wanted to go back to Batu city we can meet. We didnt have to made an arrangement to match our schedule to go back to Batu city. But then after almost 10 years passed, Uchi told Pupud : 'aku kekancingan di Rumah, bisa ga numpang ngetik di rumah km sekarang', dan tiba-tiba kita menghabiskan banyak sekali cerita di kamar Pupud dalam waktu semalam ;')
secangkir teh hangat buatan Pupud |
Setoples Pia Fav khas Jogja |
Pupud selalu mengerti dalam membantu menyelesaikan bahan-bahan tulisan |
Pupud selalu mendengar keputusan-keputusan dalam memilih buku |
kita tidur pukul 01.00 WIB "))))) |