Today is 26 August 17, means you're a bachelor of Food Science and Technology.
I always feel you're special, at least for myself. Its the day when your add 1 more step to reach ur dream, the day when you reminded that your hard work LIVE in this world. The day when you reminded to be always thankful for what you have today.
But really, who are u? You are not living alone in this complicated world. Turns out, being bachelor is not that scary. Enjoy it so far. It's the time when you enjoy your choice more. It's the time when you learn how to be independent, the time that you will find what you capable of.
I believe you have ultimated goals in ur life. Like something you are really want to pursue on, whatever it takes, whichever the way is. Just keep going.
Find your lifetime travel partner, go for birtday trip, go for solo travelling, visit more exotic countries, get your international driving license, get a diving license, and visit more beach!
I told you five years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do that by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines!
Infuse your life with action. Don't wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future.Make your own hope.
Don't get stuck with labels. Don't limit yourself with labels. Don't get caught up with labels. Don't be afraid of labels. Allow yourself to become a free spirit that grows and expands in every possible direction, so that your mind is always open for changes, criticism, and differences.
Everything echoes with the voice inside our heads. The universe, it harmonized with our thoughts. Always believe that you are in control, not the other way around.
Because process is beautiful :)
thks to Diana Rikasari, Indiet