While sitting here writing this post, I've realised that I'm actually lost for words when it comes to trying to sum up just how amazing having friendship with Dyah Putri Asmarani really is.
When you understand that change is a part of your life, you will be okay to start from zero again. Our friendship almost ten years, but feels new everyday. When I ask "Pupud besok gaada PRkan?", and then 10 minutes later "Besok jadwalnya matematika, IPA, Bahasa Inggriskan?",, 10 minutes later "Jadi besok gaperlu bawa baju olah ragakan?" hahah and another 'to much' 10 minutes later. Pupud always give me 'transquilizers' anwer. I realized something funny about us, when I'm on Pupud's room I ask "gaada buku sama sekali ya?" and Pupud said "kan gasuka baca buku", when Pupud on my room I said "aku mandi dulu ya, tunggu sebentar tiduran juga gapapa",, and the 10 minutes later Pupud and me already drowned out with all of my book, hahaha.
Not only that, but I love to see all of 'our stupidity', it's the simple things :')