Eat Drink Chic

wait, what are you talking about?


I was born to this wonderful world 25 years ago. IM OLD hahaha. Anyway, setelah berusia 25 tahun baru bisa 'memahami' apa artinya kebutuhan primer, sekunder, dan tersier. Pantesan pengeluaran terbesar habis di makan, ternyata makan kebutuhan primer toh. Masalahnya, makanan mahal udah masuk daftar kebutuhan primer juga nih? hhaha. Sebenarnya klasifikasi kebutuhan itu bisa membantu kita dalam mengontrol pengeluaran. Tetapi karena memang saya orangnya agak nyeleneh, kebutuhan itu bisa saya geser-geser sendiri, contohnya buku dan pulsa udah masuk kebutuhan primer, makanan gabisa digeser ke sekunder atopun tersier. Kondangan juga udah hampir masuk kebutuhan primer kahir-akhir ini. Bayar BPJS, beli bensin, nabung buat beli kamera, nonton semuanya udah masuk kebutuhan primer, gabisa digeser-geser lagi juga. Semakin dewasa semakin banyak 'masuk' dalam kategori kebutuhan primer. Jika list kebutuhan primer udah banyak, tetapi anggaran tetap, jadi yang harus ditekan adalah anggarannya, gitukan ya secara teori. Jadi bagi cewe-cewe single gabisa masak seperti saya. Kita harus pinter-pinter milih makanan enak, sehat, murah, dan bermanfaat. Bubur ayam aroma, mie ayam lesti, empek-empek gang, bebek tujuh ribu lima ratus, saya bisa menjamin itu semua sangat enak, favorite banget, murah jelas, cuma sehatnya saja yang gabisa saya jamin ;')
But on the other hand just remember, you need to keep moving, gamungkin selamanya buat memenuhi kebutuhan primer yang gabisa digeser ini kita beli makanan terus, kita harus bisa masak, walopun mungkin gaenak, tapi seenggaknya pengen mengenang makanan favorite aja ';))

my personal life

uncharted thought


Being pharmacist has been an amazing experience for me. Put my future there, hmm i think not. After 13 months work in hospital, I could not wait move on to the another profession, being a writer. I also think that I was in denial about the tremendous shift in 'pharmacist' lives that was rapidly approaching. My dear title 'Apt' in my last name, thank you for helping me find the journey of my life.

beautiful hello

this place is pretty for sure


GOR GAJAHMADA, a sport centre in Batu city. I usually take an afternoon stroll between 03.00 - 05.00 PM. In the afternoon, when we are lucky enough 'everything' will be free and less crowded here. Daily view in this place so breathtaking. bring your book, better prepare your best camera to capture the moment that you can learn from this place. I think Im in ❤ with this place.

my personal life

turn on


1. I like when seeing a man reading a book. Its a lot sexier rather than i saw them playing games on their phone.

2. I like a man who good with kids. Like seeing them playing with kids or just hold them is simply make me smile.

3. I like a smart guy. I mean come on nobody can stand a dumb guy, unless you're dumb too :p

4. I like seeing a man who exploring nature. Adventurous kind of thing. Somehow its make you open minded.

5. I like seeing a man who can play instrument. Especially the rare one. Its might because i cant play any instrument so it feels so special to me.

cc : Pratika Indri Indityaputri, the girl who love sun lover :'))

beautiful hello

see you in Ramadhan


So lately, i have been chating a lot of "life lesson" with Donna Widya Firnanda. I kinda inspired, as we grow older we still believe everyone has an ultimate goal (s) in our life. But really, who we are? we are not living alone in this complicated world. Whoaaa its had been 1 years already we didnt meet, i miss you mami '))

beautiful hello

romantic story


It came across my mind that how much romantic story in super modern nowadays. I always interested in how people meet. How many of you know 'romantic story' outside Romeo and Juliet? To much story that you can learn about 'love story'. Stephen Hawking and Jane Wilde (The Theory of Everything), John Lennon and Yoko Ono, Henry de Tamble and Clare Abshire (The Time Traveler's Wife), and more. So i want to read more stories like that, let it be mysterious, unexpected, special and cute ")