beautiful hello



Uchi and Saski spent a week at Brawijaya University Hospital, Permata Jingga Street, and Pizza Hut, and we had a wonderful time. 

Do you talk to Allah as you do to a friend, or do you pray only when you have a need? Take time to thank Allah. Treat Allah like a good friend all the time :')

beautiful hello

move is nice


Like most college student, the only fear that can keep us awake at night is fear for our thesis. Eka not terribly fearful. Even she is so enjoying 'college student's time' till 14th semester to get bachelor of Computer Science hhahah, Finally! Beside that, Eka live and learn. Have you ever wondered why you had to be struggle with school problems? Sometimes Allah allows problems in order to bring the bloom of patience into our life :'))

beautiful hello

theatre loving family


Finding the right movie is essential for creating our perfect "memorable moment". How about watching movie with your family? For me is the most memorable part in my life. That is partly because in the cinema we are so comfortable and relaxed, which creates that personal magic. There are no worries about life, and it's our life! No other place where we can capture some ideas with perfect power like cinema. Now is the time to ask your family about what their favorite movie and capture your family 'happiness' :')

beautiful hello

Gorgeous Books


New books I got from Big Bad Wolf 2017 ICE BSD, SO HAPPYYYYYYYYY!
Totally worth the miles Ferry Fadhlillah send the books to me. April is clearly my best time.

beautiful hello

bagaimana kita


Adel bekerja disebuah perusahaan asing sebagai Product Executive, pekerjaan Adel memberikan beberapa opportunity cost dimana salah satu diantaranya Adel bisa main ke Batu dengan gratis. Pekerjaan Adel dan pekerjaan saya sangat berbeda, Adel bekerja pada jadwal pasti dari jum'at sampai senin, sementara saya ada pada setting shift, perbedaan ini membuat kami berdua baru bisa bertemu pada hari sabtu sekitar pukul 10 malam di rumah saya, kita tidak mempunyai pilihan tempat nongkrong lain semalam itu. Kita tidak bertemu kurang lebih 1 koma 7 tahun, kita berbagi cerita suka duka dalam waktu 10 jam. Bukan cerita dalam cerita yang ingin saya ceritakan, saya hanya senang melihat tidak ada yang berubah dari Adel, bagaimana dia menunggu saya, bagaimana ekspresinya ketika lelah, bagaimana Adel mengguncang-guncangkan tubuh saya ketika intonasi suara saya membutuhkan semangat, bagaimana kita tertawa bersama menertawakan bagaimana kita dan bagaimana kita :')