I was born on 31st August 1970. My father is Corageous TNI-Aur, he has 2 wife, the first wife has 6 childern, she is my mother, and also the second one. My mother is ordinary daughter of farmer. My family life is full of mysteri. When all of my sibling and neighbor told me a lot about my mother life is apprhensive about, but many told my mother is someone tough and never complain. She did what she need to protect her childern which rarely life in one house with my father, thats mean he should share his time with the second wife. This condition make my mother never realized that her condition is getting weak. For protect her children from dissapointment and bitter life, she should hold by her self, her condition is getting worse and she got illness. My mother leave us forever when I was 5th years old.
- draf-