beautiful hello

hpy bday alda :')


This year has been an amazing journey for Alda. Had a study to Chemistry-NCU Taiwan for one times. Alda had a visit to the Southernmost Point of Taiwan, Houbihu Marina, Kenting etc. One of Alda's best year ever. Hppyy bdaaaaayy Alda :')

my personal life

saturday at 4th floor


There is always something to be grateful about every day. It's not always about the earnings in your bank account, but more to the values of life. I feel like I'm actually an old soul trapped in twenty something body. 

Those thoughts are usually crossing my mind whenever I'm driving home by myself. Every day I keep on thinking how grateful I am to have everything I have right now. I constantly look back to the older days and keep on saying Alhamdulillah. Sometimes my melancholy side of me is taking over and I cry when I'm driving at night, because I feel that God is being really generous to me. Last night I was thinking about my life and the family and friends, that circle around me. I feel so thankful that I went to a good jr. high school which then lead me to one of the best high schools in Jakarta. Because without those two foundations, I wouldn't be able to be entering Universitas Indonesia. I used to be very proud with the label of 'best high schools' or 'best university in Indonesia', but now I started to think beyond that. It's not about the labels, it's about the elements in school and university that I treasure the most. I feel so grateful to be surrounded by friends who are very positive minded and smart. Without them I might have stepped to other directions. My high school was full of challenges, I remembered I cried a lot fearing to fail in exams. High school was the worst part of my education, everyone was so smart and I felt so behind. I failed in most of Math exams. I hated it, Math hated me too, I think. Every day was a struggle. But no matter how often I cried, I never wanted to miss one day at school, because I would've missed the subjects. It was clearly the hardest days, but now I'm happy that I have been in those hard times. Those challenges were keeping me busy to catch grades. I never had other thoughts than studying and making efforts to reach higher scores, which is a good thing. I never had my times wasted in high school. Every day is full of pressure to study and be better, but as people say, diamonds are made under pressure. And in this case, my friends are those diamonds. They transformed into smart personalities and sparkle beautifully until today. Each has their own charm.

I also feel very very very grateful for the amazing opportunities in front of me. This job is kind of tough because I can only depend on myself. No more stable income. I have to think far before I make a decision, but I must take the decision fast enough so I wouldn't miss the opportunities. I'm a newbie in this career, but one thing for sure is that money isn't everything. Don't chase for money because the faster you run, the more opportunities you'll miss behind. There are much more things to value, like networking, friends, and doing good deeds to help others. I believe that kindness will take you extra miles. You will harvest what you're planting today, and in my case, the seeds are called kindness. - dindaps 

my personal life

aktivitas uchi


habis baca ini.. what is rich?,, dearest youngsters,, if i may,, i would like to suggest some things for you to consider in life,, 

"freedom of expression" is not the same as "being irresponsible and saying anything we want to including cursing and talking vulgarly" if you want to look up to someone,, just make sure it is for the right reasons,, I would like to say make your life more valuable and usefull,, being young,, you should be hungry for knowledge and experience,, not money,, 

hungry for knowledge and experience... hmm... akhir-akhir ini banyak banget menghabiskan waktu di ruangan ini... entah untuk revisi dokumen ato nulis novel ato youtube ato yang lain...

muka dari hari ke hari tetep sama,, ketikan dari hari ke hari juga tetep sama,, hati dari ke hari harusnya gak sama yaaaa,, hahaha,, 

my personal life

ketagihan buku


Olaaa,, jadi apa kesibukan akhir-akhir ini?,, akhir-akhir ini sibuk mikir bagaimana caranya hemat dan boros dalam waktu sekaligus,, cita-cita beli bukunya mba ika,, dan cita-cita menabung datang bersama-sama,, hmm,, mungkin keadaan seperti ini hanya bisa dirasakan oleh seseorang yang sudah ketagihan baca buku,, baca satu,, gabisa berhenti,, lihat review malah kepingin nambah lagi,, oooooh pecandu buku,, bagaimana menerapi kamu,, :"


Tiga sahabat. Satu pertanyaan. What if in the person that you love, you find a best friend instead of a lover?

K e a r a

Were both just people who worry about the breaths we take, not how we breathe.
How can we be so different and feel so much alike, Rul?
Dan malam ini, tiga tahun setelah malam yang membuatku jatuh cinta, my dear, dan aku di sini terbaring menatap bintang-bintang di langit pekat Singapura ini, aku masih cinta, Rul. Dan kamu mungkin tidak akan pernah tahu.
Three years of my wasted life loving you.

R u l y

Yang tidak gue ceritakan ke Keara adalah bahwa sampai sekarang gue merasa mungkin satu-satunya momen yang bisa mengalahkan senangnya dan leganya gue subuh itu adalah kalau suatu hari nanti gue masuk ke ruangan rumah sakit seperti ini dan Denise sedang menggendong bayi kami yang baru dia lahirkan. Yang tidak gue ceritakan ke Keara adalah rasa hangat yang terasa di dada gue waktu suster membangunkan gue subuh itu dan berkata, "Pak, istrinya sudah sadar," dan bahwa gue bahkan tidak sedikit pun berniat mengoreksi pernyataan itu. Mimpi aja terus, Rul.

H a r r i s

Senang definisi gue: elo tertawa lepas. Senang definisi elo? Mungkin gue nggak akan pernah tahu. Karena setiap gue mencoba melakukan hal-hal manis yang gue lakukan dengan perempuan-perempuan lain yang sepanjang sejarah tidak pernah gagal membuat mereka klepek-klepek, ucapan yang harus gue dengar hanya, "Harris darling, udah deh, nggak usah sok manis. Go back being the chauvinistic jerk that I love."
Thats probably as close as I can get to hearing that she loves me


Hwaaaaa pengen segera dapat novelnyaaa :"

Eat Drink Chic

kepercayaan diri


akhirakhir ini kepercayaan diri suka turun,, turun karena di remehkan iyaaa,, turun karena banyak yg lebih pinter iyaaa,, turun karena ga cantikcantik banget iyaaaa,,, hahaha banyak banget banyaaak banget,,, hmm hmm hmm sampe akhirnya makan ice cream bareng gengs,, maem ice cream disini gmw sebenernya,, tp ya gmn lagiiiii,, terus di akhir diskusi mas luthfi bilang,,

"chi,,,percaya diri itu bukan ketika kamu lebih dr orang lain tp ketika kamu berhenti membandingkan diri dengan orang lain,, dan percaya dengan dirimu"

hmm bener juga kayaknyaaaaa,,, btww ice creamnyaaaaaa enak,,, tapi pedih dihati keingat moment2 hiks,,, terakhirlaaaah ya kesini...