

gambarnya cocok engga sama judulnya?
bagus ya tempatnya, sederhana tp dapet feelnya :)
jadi digambar tersebut initinya jangan pernah berhenti berimpi walaupun jalannya gamulus kayak gambar di temboknya,, tapi tetep bagus :D

I don't think it is really ever about the end result. Instead, it's about who's beside us when we reach the end. Every victory feels empty without no one being happy for you. Every failure just hurts even deeper when no one is there to cheer you. Life is a wheel and that is unavoidable, therefore we need to realize that we need the presence of others to help push us when we are moving too slow, and to help pull us when we seem overly carried away either by our own happiness or sadness. Our family, our friends, they are our push-and-pull system. Never take your loved ones for granted. Make them our priority. Without them, our lives are empty. - diana rikasari

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