Lomba Resensi Critical Eleven
Recently, i post a picture on my instagram account about critical eleven book. I give a caption "travel is learning to communicate with just smile,, travel is not wanting sleep because for once reality is more interesting than your dream, travel is where broken English is welcomed, travel is finding out more reasons to write,, and more reasons to live, travel is realizing the things you cannot live without :') critical eleven - @ikanatassa YEY". One of my friend commented : "AR, CE, TAOL semua mau di film kan loh cik,, yang duluan keluar kayaknya CE 2017 nanti". Oh my God, i really dont have any idea why this will be happen. What i'am trying to say is, do not expect Ika Natassa's book as simple as the picture on my social media. I just can't posting the whole stories about that book affect to me. So the fact behind that picture, i was "degdegan" or curious actually in every pages. I lost my time and I got into the critical eleven's world. But of course i can't stop because i need to read and read and read that book again. So can you imagine how critical eleven make me addicted in every time? and what next? will be a movie? how dying iam mba ikaa.
My daily activities as a pharmacist, so most of my time "habis" in hospital. Which is in the case, "kamu harus mencuri-curi waktu". Sometimes, when you read critical eleven, you can't stop, confused and clueless. Reading critical eleven at midnight is an option and already make me have a mixed feeling, i never wish can do it, but i do, i do wish it. When arrived in the last page.........hmmm.... i want to start over again...mati hffftt. So, there are my experience behind critical eleven influence. Story that i ussually wont share in any social media. So what's special about critical eleven book? I can't tell you more, just find this book di toko buku terdekat :")
nb : kalo ditanya seputar harapan tentang filmnya? hmm... jangan di sensor banyak-banyak ya mba ika adegan-adegannya XD
desie suci ps
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