my face loves osmanthus spray!


Currently feel so disconnected to the outside world for everything that happened around me, a lot of problems around my own world, trying to make it simple along the way but is not easy as before, its not surprisingly that problem is our friend, and I wanna be problems friend, but first I wanna be a good friend for myself, a good skin-moisturizing is without doubt my skin food essential.

I absolutely adore Fountain Spray Bioaqua especially Osmanthus spray, in case I haven't heard of Bioaqua before, my sister's friend give it to us. The thing that I love the most about Osmanthus cz it contains a wealth of skin care ingredients combine spring water, fresh and super not sticky. Not only about their ingredients but the overall aesthetic of the brand is pretty damn cool when I ask google.

Before moisturizing my face I like to make sure that I closed my eyes. To use it I just sprayed Osmanthus spray to my face anytime I want. Dinda write the most beautiful girls are the ones who love themselves for who they are, because instead of changing their appearances, they embrace what they have, and I think that's really beautiful :")

"I like to move around to different beat, I'll walk away then smile in my own street, and I don't really mind when you are fake, cause I am me and that's unique

I am living in my own world every day, I'm party by myself in my own way, might look a little funny but that's okay, cause I am me and that's unique"

You might not know this about me, but I actually LOVE using moisturizing on my face. At the moment I'm totally loving this product, it really help to make my face (and my soul) fresh last all day. Let me know if you guys have tried any of these products!

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