my colorful 2018


So in the last January 2018 i create "colorful girl" into my life theme, not enjoying all colors at once, but i learn those colors one by one! In my imagination it will be red in january, then blue in february, yellow in march and so on, but it didn't 100% happen in reality. I'm too busy in 2018, didn't have fix schedule, so i can't explore 24 colors that i planned before.

Based on color code personality test i'm a red personality. Red mean i'm motivated by power. I seek productivity and need to look good to others. Simply stated, reds want their own way. Red like to be in the driver's seat and willingly pay the price to be in a leadership role. Reds value whatever gets them ahead in life, whether it be in their careers, school or personal life. What reds value, they get done.

Reds like to be right. They value approval from others for their intelligence and practical approach to life, and want to be respected for it. Reds are confudent, proactive, visonary, arrogant, selfish and insensitive. For a better relationship with red you must (1) present issues logically, (2) be direct and specific, (3) support my decisiveness, (4) respect me and (5) verbalize your feelings, and you must not (1) embarrass me in front of others, (2) argue emotionally and (3) take my arguments personally.

what if i like more than one color?

You can choose the color you like not the color that reflect your personality, off course you need a test if you wanna know what the real color you are. Because my test said that I'm a red, it doesn't mean i just only like the red one. I still be free to pick white, black, purple, and more!

So why i choose 'colorful girl' as my theme in this year? Because i wanna see everything as beautiful as how the colors works. 2018 is not about me, me and me, not only about the red. The colors you dislike can tell you a lot about yourself too, often reflecting your weaknesses and vulneralbilities. Your most disliked color will releate to areas in your life that need to be given attention or past hurt that need to be healed :')

Color Psychology said surround yourself with the colors you love, either by wearing them or using them decoratively in your environment. They will empower you to be true to yourself, to show your true color. Always use a small amount of other colors with your favorites to keep energies and behavior balanced. So i think i should discover and having fun with all colors as my 2018 uncompleted homework for 2019!

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