playing with kids 2
The last post its about Ony, Alya and me. Ony and Alya is a classmate, not from same parent. In this post i will tell you my experience when I with Ony and Michele, Michele 5 years older than Ony, they are siblings. Kids always like being center of interest (most of them), they always want being number one in our attention. They easily getting jealous each other, and the jealous increase when you're siblings. I just think the competitive feeling arise when we're born. Sharing anything with our close friends more easily than with our brother/sister when we child, that is the rule, so you don't need feel surprise when someday your 2nd child born.
Ony have extrovert personality, than Michele in the middle of extrovert and introvert. Ony can call me 10 times per day and Michele maybe 1 or 2 times. I took turns playing with them, rarely together, it's not because I set it up like that, but they both rarely want to play with me together, especially Ony. Finally i meet moment, when we can play three of us. I think it will be hard, but apparently not.
This is Michele, beautiful girl who getting happy easily, for her laying down and playing with her phone all day long is not her problem, spend her time outside is okay too, she rare look sad or angry, she quietly pays attention to what we like, what makes us feel disturbed, and more. She understand people better than me even she 14 years younger than me.
and this is Ony, cutiest girl who getting bored easily, for her laying down and playing with her phone all day long is a problem, she want game changed every hour, makes me have to think fast and creative. She express her feeling better than me. She doesn't like her swing moving slow but crying when swinging faster. Sometimes i feel confused where i should stand when with her.
Michele often fights with ony in many times, but seems understands Ony better than me. Michele know the rules she play, so she never afraid making Ony crying because she know Ony will forget it soon. From Michele i learn (1) if you see people often fighting is doesn't always mean they hate each other, even they understand each other better, (2) two are better, but three are easier.
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