my personal life

10 questions to End the Year Intentionally


I read some blogs and inspired by Daisy and Cait Flanders to anwer ten questions before end the year, so this is my turn:

What make this year unforgettable?
the feeling when my friends get married one by one, the feeling of worrying about my future, the feeling that being 26 yo is not easy when you are not married yet, the feeling when everyone start asking about my relationship status, the feeling when i wear braces for the first time, the feeling that at least 1-2 years i can't go with man or my close friends because im in therapy, the feeling when i stuck working at hospital even though i don't like my job yet, the feeling when i know about library called libgen so i can read everything i want there, the feeling when order some books in periplus and being real hold the books i love, the feeling when i can share my ideas with Oky and Mutia in the first January, the feeling when i finally done with every concept of photography that i've been created, the feeling when i was angry after work, the feeling when i'm crying all night because everything i do feel so bad for others, i think i discover so many feeling this year, from the good till the worst

What did you enjoy doing this year?
I really enjoyed when i shop some plants, then i made some photography and start learning about the plants and the concept itself. I really enjoyed when spend my time to read and learn my favourite poetry books, and try to write over and over again. I try to cook some foods when i'm in the mood, and i think it not totally bad. I spend my weekend sometimes in my best friend home. I really enjoyed not travelling much too.

What/who is the one thing/person you're grateful for?
If that is a person it will be Meutia Tamimi Auli, i'm so happy can being part of her friend, she always have unique things to share, can share my problem with her is becoming fun because she have a cool perspective that anyone can't have.

If that is a thing it will be my blog, my blog giving me a facility that i can learn to write english anytime i want, my blog always have spaces to hear my stories and i'm for that.

What's your biggest win in this year?
I write my first book this year! A real book!

What did you read/ watch/listen to that made the most impact this year?
sad girls by lang leav, gateway car by taylor swift, to all the boys i've loved before by netflix, and good places by iflix

What did you worry about most and how did it turn out?
I'm worry can't finish my book because i'm lost in the middle of writing, but actually i did.
I'm  worry can meet someone i love because of my therapy, but actually i meet him twice
I'm worry not married this year, and it still unhappen yet, but it's okay, it's not my business, it's God plans :D

What was your biggest regret and why?
being a shopaholic (?) (?) T-T

What's one thing that you changed about yourself?
i'm not sure about this question, i feel nothing change T-T

What surprised you the most this year?
a flood attack my pharmacy, so much water fall down to the lift seems like water fall, so many natural disaster in my country T-T, i think i need the real Aquaman for 2019 T-T

If you could go back to last January 1, what suggestions would you give to your past self?
be confident, eat a good food, unfollow all online shop, don't sleep to much :D

beautiful hello

your dreams matter. period.


When I was graduated, so many job opportunity in front of me. From the first time i learn in college, i know what subject that i love the most. What i love is different with what i can past easily, easy to get the best score. Because college is not for free, i follow the rules, the fastest rules to graduate as fast as i can. College not guarantee your future, but college is one of "a must" term in nowadays. College is complex games. There will be a fake lecturer who harness their college students for their research project, and more, and if you lucky you will be meet a rare lecturer who is real researcher. Why i can say that? because the "real" one, will do the project, will write, making idea, and the important point is "applied" the result for world, for better life, not for the new "tittle" at the end of their name, i think the "tittle" should be just extra bonus necessarily.

College make me learn a lot about people, about what "success" mean in their definition. But i think it's not me at all. They said becoming success is being a head of the hospital pharmacy installation or being a part of biggest pharmaceutical company and more, and the most bitter reality is the more success you are the little time you have. So Sad.

Money is the simple answer of their final definition about success. The more money you get, the more success you are. I'm not denying that i need money too, but i need money to survive from life, to support my dream, so i follow the rules they made. Oh yeah, still in my head, I never understand with people who like save their money, but they don't know for what the money for. I choose the job which at least can fulfill my needs, and give me enough time to do what i wanna do. Okay, the second questions is time. If i have so many time? what will i do? Is it true that i need a lot of free time? 

Basically, i don't really like laying all day long in my bedroom, because my neck will gotta sick. I don't like watching tv from morning till night too, or having long conversations with my family. Getting busy is my best friend, but not busy for other people business, but busy with my world, with myself. As your expectation i really like to write, so i need time to write, write my books, and the good news is after two years of hectic works in hospital, stolen some time to write, finally i got my first book finish in this Desember! Can't wait to meet you in my book tour! <'3

This is the power of the dreams itself. You need your dreams, because they are matter. Your dreams is your compass in this complicated world. Your dream will guide you to manage your money and time better. You need a big dream, the dream that will not be washed away when flood come. If having a house and cars is your dream, i'm sorry to say that your dream not big enough. Happy holiday and happy new years everyone! 

with love, uchi

beautiful hello

my colorful 2018


So in the last January 2018 i create "colorful girl" into my life theme, not enjoying all colors at once, but i learn those colors one by one! In my imagination it will be red in january, then blue in february, yellow in march and so on, but it didn't 100% happen in reality. I'm too busy in 2018, didn't have fix schedule, so i can't explore 24 colors that i planned before.

Based on color code personality test i'm a red personality. Red mean i'm motivated by power. I seek productivity and need to look good to others. Simply stated, reds want their own way. Red like to be in the driver's seat and willingly pay the price to be in a leadership role. Reds value whatever gets them ahead in life, whether it be in their careers, school or personal life. What reds value, they get done.

Reds like to be right. They value approval from others for their intelligence and practical approach to life, and want to be respected for it. Reds are confudent, proactive, visonary, arrogant, selfish and insensitive. For a better relationship with red you must (1) present issues logically, (2) be direct and specific, (3) support my decisiveness, (4) respect me and (5) verbalize your feelings, and you must not (1) embarrass me in front of others, (2) argue emotionally and (3) take my arguments personally.

what if i like more than one color?

You can choose the color you like not the color that reflect your personality, off course you need a test if you wanna know what the real color you are. Because my test said that I'm a red, it doesn't mean i just only like the red one. I still be free to pick white, black, purple, and more!

So why i choose 'colorful girl' as my theme in this year? Because i wanna see everything as beautiful as how the colors works. 2018 is not about me, me and me, not only about the red. The colors you dislike can tell you a lot about yourself too, often reflecting your weaknesses and vulneralbilities. Your most disliked color will releate to areas in your life that need to be given attention or past hurt that need to be healed :')

Color Psychology said surround yourself with the colors you love, either by wearing them or using them decoratively in your environment. They will empower you to be true to yourself, to show your true color. Always use a small amount of other colors with your favorites to keep energies and behavior balanced. So i think i should discover and having fun with all colors as my 2018 uncompleted homework for 2019!

beautiful hello



Akhirnya! Alhamdulillah versi inggris buku pertamaku akhirnya selesai juga <'3 akhirnya selesai setelah revisi berkali-kali, dan dibaca berkali-kali <'3 ........ mimpiku gak sampai sini, ada banyak banget mimpi menunggu di depan! Mungkin membutuhkan beberapa  minggu untuk proses percetakan, selama proses proofreading uda selesai insyaAllah udah mudah, karena dalam membuat buku yang paling berat itu proses proofreading karena harus dibaca berkali-kali untuk meminimalis kesalahan yang mungkin terjadi, Alhamdulillah prosesnya sudah selesai! Sekarang saatnya penerbit yang bekerja mulai dari ngelayout, tata letak sampai pendaftaran ISBN saya serahkan kepada penerbit, dan tugasku sekarang adalah belajar bagaimana submit bukuku ini ke Netflix <'3

my personal life

what i feel


Fall in love with a man is interesting feel that i always wanna feel. If you ever read my blog post 3 years ago, you will understand why fall in love is not easy again for me. I spend 4 or maybe 5 years loving a man, i share the story to my bestie, and finally she married with him, it's totally hurt me, and i think i can't believe anyone again. Till now we never speak again, in her wedding she didn't invite me as my intruction, no matter how good she look i can't believe her again, and if i have to really trust her its just one thing, when she said "there will be a good man, the best man, waiting for me", at the moment i was crying and said "he is the best man for me, and you take him after you broken with your boyfriend, you are so selfish, doesn't have principle, just because your age will be expired, totally regret share how good he was with you". I can't tell you the details of the story here, but it's totally hurt, because of that i loss my weight around 5kg :(

Day after day passed, till i meet a man and i think i fall in love with him. He is so smart, cute, animal and maybe plant lover too, he have beautiful heart and soft voice. How can i fall in love with him? He buys some plant in my shop, sometimes he respond my status, and i'm totally amazed hearing his opinion when he start asking me a question.... then i start finding some information about him, he lives with beautiful mom and cute sister and he loves them so much........ hmmmm ....... i like it but still don't want make some expectations :p

my personal life

a great dinner


Lately i'm so thirsty about history, the real stories 44 years ago that will being my 3rd book. I ever told you that i want give my mother a present, true a story about her in a book and it will happen. To write that story i need some information, about the places, the detail character, what the thing they like and dislike, i'm so thirsty. Like always my aunt never allowed me to skip my dinner in her house, not just eat our food, but i should share what happen today. I tell her what movie i watch and why i like it, why i'm so curious about it and finally why i give the movie 4 stars, then i remember about my 3rd book and start questioning everything who my mom was in the past. Spending 2 hours hearing her story make me can't stop laughing and crying, i think she's good on remembering something. Now i can't stop writing! Thankyouuuu my beautiful aunt, your contribution can't be ignored :'>

my personal life

stop lying to yourself


Suddenly think that no person in this world who never being a liar. If we give equality value to all the feeling we feel, we will realize that we often lie at least for ourselves. What i mean 'equality' here is positive and negative stand equal, positive not always good and negative not always bad. In general we can feel 5 feeling, anger, sadness, disgust, fear and enjoyment. Happiness is everyone's goal, example in your birthday you will get the message "happy birthday, i hope your dream more closer to you" , when you get married "congratulation for both of you, happily ever after", look happiness is totally our goal and because of it everyday we trying to be happy. When we start add the "trying" word, we start to lie without realizing it. Lying is never easy especially lying to yourself.

When you sad - just feel it, when you angry - it's okay to explode it, when you don't want meet someone - don't meet them, you don't need look happy or feeling okay every time. You don't need to pretend to be strong. Be honest, and i call it self care. The real "strong" mean for me, like when i touch cockroach, i never feel fear anymore. It's honest. Maybe for now we need to find the real feel of every feeling and stop lying. Good luck!

beautiful hello

how if i make a reading class?


The last few days i'm thinking about how if I and Annie create a book reading class every weekend. I have a good news from 1st december my hospital allowed me to get day off on saturday and sunday, its mean i can manage my time better. Aaaaaand the bad news i should work on 2nd shift 5 days non stop per week, and work on 1st shift 5 days non stop for the next week, 2nd shift 5 days non stop again for the next next week, 1st shift days non stop again for next next next week, this is my new daily works cycle! (remek, ter-lalu lelah, apalagi kalo si boss mintanya yang shift siang dateng jam 12:30, wagelah sih, aku gamau). Working 8,5 hours per day wirhout rest time? Sorry Sir i should cut your rules, i will make my own rules, i need my right for an hour's rest, so i will be there and ready to work at 13.30 :) ! Okay back to the topic, because i love reading and Annie too, and we read so many books this year, so we wanna share what we had been read to you guys! For the reading class we have some plans! Can't wait to meet Annie this week <'3

beautiful hello

what makes my eyes tired but feel so happy


The good news is finally i finish my first novel and already sent the Bahasa version to local publisher. What i do right now is still write the english version, yeah i write 2 versions! Moreover i write my 2nd books too! My first book is fiction, a novel! If you are romantic story lover, i hope you will love it! In my book except love you can learn about life too, about simple little things that maybe you miss! Aku aja yang nulis baca berulang-ulang (bukan karena revisi aja), yeah i fall in love with my first book <'3, oh iya, i write it super simple, i cut a lot of words and i hope you can understand it easily! Rasanya uda gasabar buat megang bukunya secara nyata <'3

yang pengen aku ceritakan nulis itu jadi lebih mudah kalo buku pertama uda selesai, karena jadi tahu alur nulisnya, gabuka tutup EYD lagi, hihihi, selain kemarin sempet survey di instagram calon pembaca pengennya dicetak dalam bahasa apa, 67% memilih inggris dan 33% menjawab membeli dua-duanya jika aku bikin dua versi, ak nulis bahasa inggris krn pengen tahu hasil belajar selama setahun ini apakah menghasilkan, apakah bisa dipahami, walaupun versi bahasa inggrisnya kolaborasi ama alvi juga editingnya, but it was nice! 

my personal life

after 8 month therapy


At least one day a month i should visit my dentist to check my teeth, it's almost 8th months. Time fly so fast, the space between my teeth more bigger and bigger. The doctor said "It might only take a few more months for the perfect space to insert the missing central incisor", then he show me the denture he make. For the first i'm not ready to see how the denture is, i'm afraid it won't be the same, i feel shy when somebody know i'm using denture. But it's just my expectation and the fact is the denture is beautiful, supeeeer cute, totally similar with my real teeth, the colour is perfect, thaaaaanks drg. Yusuf!

my personal life

what i did lately


when i work on second shift, before work i write in my fav cafe and when i work on the first shift, i write after work, i hope i can publish my first book on december <'3. Lucky me having this cafe around my home, they have best onion ring and fresh green tea thats what my brain need. Off course writing need a lot of energy <'3

beautiful hello

28th November, 2018


thats your birthday? you never tell me, and impossible for me to say happy birthday to you. Enjoy your day!

semoga kau ada dalam lindungannya, rizki dan berkahnya jadi karunia untukmu,senang...
oh Tuhan jaga dia, kabulkan do'aku dan semua harapannya ...
langit tak selalu biru namun ku akan ada di sisimu  (the best part of that song)

my personal life

there is always good value for something bad


It's not a surprise that your income will increase or getting low sometimes, never assume that being employe in good company means having stable income. The good news: Allah is super wise, very fair. Our salary might be different, but the rules still same. I will tell you real story, there was a day when i just have twenty thousand in my wallet, which mean i could buy my breakfast, then finish, the money will gone. But what i actually do at that time? I skip my breakfast, i give that money to my aunt and she look so happy. My aunt doesn't have a stable job, she make cake by order, she is so old. Having that money for that time make her don't need make cake for one day, she feel happy, and i'm happy for her. Look how easily the value of money changed if you understand what i mean.

my personal life

my life isn't totally sad


Everyone said they will be happy when they can be being me, everyone said i'm always happy. I know they said that, when they are unhappy or maybe having some problems. For some people they forget that i'm human too, i have a little and big problem too. Maybe i'm rarely share my problem in public, i never show my real sadness. If you're one of my close friend you will know that i have a lot of problem too, you will know everynight i'm crying sometimes. But when i realized there are some people start comparing their life with me, moreover wanna being like me, i feel happy. Why? It's mean my life is not totally sad, if they can skip "the sadness part" of me, why i can't? 

my personal life

travis atreo


recently hearing travis atreo youtube chanels, he cover some my favorite songs like gateway car, blank space, perfect, clean and more, i really love the vibes he created!

beautiful hello

give your time to see how miracle happens


"Hello my name is baby sun flower, i'm leafless first, then i have 2 leaves, then 4 leaves around 1 month. When i had just 2 leaves, i learn how to catch CO2, and my roots learn how to absorbs water and some minerals, sunlight come, then you can enjoy my first oxygen" said Sufo to me, i give her name Sufo abbreviation from Sun Flower and it's just sound too cute. Planting plant is more simple  and cheaper than buying oxygen tube in hospital, and this is my miracle definition.

my personal life

learn and enjoy, enjoy and learn


This is a plant, and that is the star, this is trees, and that is beach, so many things are named, are same, but have multiple meaning, have different meaning for every person. Trees are just trees for other, for botanical student, trees are super crazy, complicated, they should know how many stomata types. Trees are beautiful, green, red, pink, orange, just enjoying so many trees a long the road make your eyes happy. Inside of trees there are complex photosynthesis systems, trying to learn about it once in a while, and your brain will happy. Bring this concept to all the things around you, especially something you like. Learn and enjoy, then your soul will happy, will understand what life mean.

my personal life

what i need to learn


Sometimes i feel special because i'm being single until now, i'm single and i learn, i learn so much feelings which maybe anothers woman can't feel because they already taken before 25 or maybe they had been learned earlier than me. What i have learned : we need to learn how to kiss, not only kiss in general definition but more deeper than what dictionary said, we need to learn how to hold, we need to learn why sex not only about lust but about love, we need to learn what, why, and how love works. In reality, i can't learn how to kiss someone before marriage, so i learn from movie, from book that i've been read. I learn why they kissed, and why they never feel disgusted. I learn why sometimes they do fake kisses and learn warm kisses in another case. I also learn why sex feels so heavy for some people, and so beautiful and easy for another. I'm so happy, super pasionate learn about 'this feeling' before marriage if i have a chance to marriage someday. I think in so manytimes, what i really need is not becaming good cooker for my husband, but i need to understand what is love itself, because if i understand, love will teach me how to make the best food for my husband.

i go to places

short staycation, after 2 years!


Did you ever feel that you don't need any places to take a rest except sleep long day at your home, don't need explore new places just because you follow so many travel influencers on instragram and never miss their stories so you feel it's enough? Yes, I did 2 years later. Working - sleeping - reading - sleeping - working - sometimes writing - still can't believe how i spend my time after 25th yo for 2 years. I'm feeling so tired after work, so i'm sleeping to top up my energy for work again tomorrow, I think my blood pressure (BP) raising when i'm working because so many people can't hold their horses (impatience), so once again i'm sleeping (in a fact, i always check my BP and get the normal result :p). Sleep is my best friend in my early adult stage! 

When i'm getting stress, i learn what most people do to release their stress, i know from their instagram stories, from their feed, from personal chat, popular articles and more. Traveling still popular for today, still the best cure. They look happy when exploring their dream by visiting so many places on their checklist. I can feel how happy they are, but my deepest heart said "that's super tiring uchi, best if you stay at home and learn from them" okay and i'm sleeping again after catch all their stories. And anyway did you know what i miss the most about traveling? Right, get a comfortable place to sleep again! So, there is nothing wrong visiting Surabaya just for sleeping :p (i'm not totally serius XD)

absolutelly, YES i love sleeping! XD

my personal life

andrea gibson


I want you to tell me about every person you've ever been in love with.
Tell me why you love them,
then tell me why they loved you.

Tell me about a day in your life you didn't think you'd live through.
Tell me what the word home means to you
and tell me in the way that i'll know your mother's name
just by the way you describe your bedroom
when you were eight.

See, i want to know the first time you felt the weight of hate,
and if that day still trembles beneath your bones

Do you prefer to play n puddles of rain
or bounce in he belliesf snow?
And if you were to build a snowman ,
would you rip two branches from a tree to build your snowman arms
or would you leave your snowman armless
for the sake of being harmless to the tree?
And if you would,
would you notice how that tree weeps for you
because your snowman has no arms to hug you
every time you kiss him on the cheek?

Do you kiss your friend on the cheek?
Do you sleep beside them when they're sad?
even if it makes your lover mad?
Do you think that anger is a sincere emotion
or just the timid motion of a fragile art trying to beat away its pain?

See, I wanna ow what you think of your first name
and if you often lie awake at night and imagine your mother joy
when she spoke it for the first time.

I want you tell me all the ways you've been unkind.
Tell me all the ways you've been cruel.
Tell me, knowing i often picture Gandhi at ten years old
beating up little boys at school.

If you were walking by a Chemical plant
where smokestacks were filling the sky with dark black clouds
would you holler "Poison! Poison! Poison!" really loud
or would you whisper
"that cloud looks like a fish, and that cloudlooks like fairy!"

Do you belive that Mary was really virgin?
Do you believe that Moses really parted the sea?
And if you don't believe in miracles, tell me-
how would you explain the miracle of my life to me?

See, I wanna knowif you belive in any god
or if you believe in many gods
or better yet
what gods believe in you.
And for all the times that you've knelt before the temple of your self,
have the prayers you asked come true?
And if they didn't, did you feel denied?
And if you felt denied, denied by who?

I wanna know what you see when you look in the mirror on a day you're feeling good.
I wanna know what you see when you look in the mirror on a day you're feeling bad.
I wanna know the first person who taught you your beauty
could ever be reflected on a lousy piece of glass.

If you ever reach enlightenment.
will you remember how to laugh?

Have you ever been a song?
Would you think less of me
If i told you i've lived my entire life a little off-key?
And i'm not nearly as smart as my poetry
i just plagirize the thoughts of the people around me
who have learned the wisdom of silence.

Do you believe concrete perpetuates violence?
And if you do-
I want you tell me of a meadow
where my skateboard will soar.

See, i wanna know more than what you do for a living.
I wanna know how much of your life you spend just giving,
and if you love yourself enough to also receive sometimes.
I wanna know if you blend sometimes
from other people's wounds,
and if you dream sometimes
that this life is just a ballon-
that if you wanted to, you could pop,
but you never would
'cause you'd never want it to stop.

If a tree fell in the forest
and you were the only one there to hear --
if its fall to the ground didn't make a sound,
would you panic in fear that you didn't exist,
or would you bask in the bliss of your nothingness?

And lastly, let me ask you this:

if you and i went for a walk
and the entire walk, we didn't talk--
do you think eventually, we'd .... kiss?

No., wait.
That's asking to much --
after all,
this is only our first date

*i love this part :'3

beautiful hello

what i find in october


Everytime i go to work, i pass the same road, this road became beautiful in october because tabebuya trees grow a long the road. This .... so beautiful, i know my eyes fall in love with this trees for the first time. When i drive i really want to making video, i want to capture my feeling around that trees, but it's hard, it's risky, my friend so busy, and also i'm. The best thing that i can do is take my aunt with me, and start capturing some moments..... i'm happy for that.... so grateful in many things... good bye beautiful october :)

my personal life

he tell me i still have a big hope


Anyone never ask me why so many teeth poster on my wall? They never know that my teeth is different with others, they never know that have a beautiful smile is my dream since i was 10th, they never know that teeth is my fav part on my body, and in so many time they hurt me, they judge me, they make me feeling bad everytime they saw me. I'm not born with all the things i want, i'm just a ordinary girl. Day by day, year by year passed way. I learn, i work, i'm getting paid, i save my money and I get the chance to make my teeth better. I decided to visit NDC Esthetic Dental Clinic, and suddenly met dentist called drg. Yusuf Assegaf. This is out of my plan, because I prefer with a dentist who is woman, and i met him, he explain what he thinks about my teeth and he make some plans, it just was nice, and maybe it's okay to try fix my problem with him.

in general, this is my problem, i don't have complete teeth :(
See! I really love my teeth, i clean it twice a day! I choose best toothpaste (just because i'm pharmacist and ever make some formulations about toothpaste, so don't envy with me when i can easily choose where the best toothpaste in market among so many products there! :p)! I choose the cute braces for my teeth, and the color of rubber gear is cute too! So can you understand that i really love my teeth? 
this problem is usually come twice in month when i'm using braces

The process to make my teeth complete, is so long, need time, need patience. Everyday i talk with my teeth, you'll be okay and better someday, so be happy with me, don't be sad when i never show you, don't be sad when others start judging, be happy! be happy! be happy! you save with me, whatever happen, you still my fav teeth! And sometimes when my motivation getting low, i start remember that i'm not alone to fix my problem, i have a good dentist beside me who is super understand about my teeth! So be happy! Process is beautiful!

my personal life

doubutsu uranai


Desie suci permata sari, you are Black Tiger, who is healthy and lively woman. Just being there, makes the atmosphere bright and cheerful. Your sociable and kind personality makes you have lots of friends, and you are very popular. Nevertheless, unlike your open attitude, you can be too serious and argumentative. You possess both pure and very calculative mind.But just as you look, you can adapt easily to circumstances, and would not do things that break the harmony of the group.You don't show your strain of grief, and can live life happily and cheerfully in any situation or difficulty. Your strong mentality acts as one of your strength to make your ideals come true. Because of this, you can be rather obstinate to stick to the plans you have made. You have a brilliant mind and high intelligence and can make decisions logically and calmly. Your attitudes and preferences seem to be straightforwardly huge, people may think you extravagant. But although you seek extravagance in atmosphere, economically you are very thrifty. You are suited to occupations like lawyers and police women, which can use your sense of justice to its maximum. But you are very tough and can pour all your energy into anything you end up doing. After marring, you will put your natural motherly instinct to bring up a warm family. But your sociability keeps many people like you to carry on working.

Artinya :

Desie suci permata sari, anda adalah Black Tiger, wanita yang sehat dan "hidup". Berada di sana, membuat suasana cerah dan ceria. Kepribadian anda yang ramah dan baik hati membuat anda memiliki banyak teman, dan anda sangat populer. Namun demikian, tidak seperti sikap terbuka anda, anda bisa menjadi terlalu serius dan argumentatif. Anda memiliki pikiran yang murni dan sangat kalkulatif. Tapi seperti yang anda lihat, anda dapat dengan mudah menyesuaikan diri dengan keadaan, dan tidak akan melakukan hal-hal yang mematahkan harmoni kelompok. Anda tidak menunjukkan ketegangan kesedihan anda, dan dapat menjalani hidup dengan bahagia dan riang dalam situasi atau kesulitan apa pun. Mentalitas kuat anda bertindak sebagai salah satu kekuatan anda untuk mewujudkan cita-cita anda. Karena itu, anda bisa agak keras kepala untuk tetap pada rencana yang telah anda buat. Anda memiliki pikiran yang cerdas dan kecerdasan yang tinggi dan dapat membuat keputusan secara logis dan tenang. Sikap dan preferensi anda tampaknya sangat besar, orang mungkin berpikir anda boros. Tetapi meskipun anda mencari pemborosan di atmosfer, secara ekonomis anda sangat hemat. Anda cocok untuk pekerjaan seperti pengacara dan polisi wanita, yang dapat menggunakan rasa keadilan anda semaksimal mungkin. Tetapi anda sangat tangguh dan dapat menuangkan semua energi anda ke dalam apa pun yang anda lakukan. Setelah menikah, anda akan menempatkan naluri keibuan alami anda untuk membentuk keluarga yang hangat. Tetapi kemampuan bersosialisasi anda membuat banyak orang seperti anda terus bekerja.

i go to places

a day in traditional flower market!


I've missed Dewi sometimes ever since she moved to Blitar few months ago, I can't tell you how nice it felt to spend a whole day with her, and just sharing everythings! Okay so this is her first trip, unexpected trip, walking around traditional flower market, supeeeer traditional flower market! You surely could imagine how's excited her to meet with a lot of gardens and flowers... greeny, clear blue sky, some nice farmer,, it's all exciting isn't it? :)

She arrived around 11 am (out of schedule and our main plans!), so with no hesitation we make new plan. Walked around village named Sidomulyo, accompany me to shop some flowers, took some pictures until our eyes and feet get tired, then meet my old friend Ani!

Setelah ngobrol singkat dan sholat dhuhur, pertama kita memutuskan untuk makan siang bersama Ani, tetapi tempat makan tujuan kita tutup dan mendadak Ani ada tamu sehingga kita berputar balik menuju warung bakso kesukaanku, warung bakso ini cukup murah, terkenal dan sedikit pengawet sehingga sangat nyaman dimakannya. Kata Dewi dagingnya banyak dan enak, kalau aku pribadi suka semua itemnya selain daging apalagi tambahan acar dan bawang gorengnya! Tenaga sudah terisi dan kita siap-siap berjalan-jalan ke pasar bunga tradisional.

Dari rumah ke pasar bunga memakan waktu kurang lebih 20 menit, ada banyak gang kecil menuju tempatnya sehingga di pertengah jalan sempat ragu apakah kita berjalan di jalan benar atau salah, dan alhamdulillah ternyata benar. Pasar bunga ini konsepnya satu kebun terdapat 1 pemilik/penjual, tanaman yang di jual bisa sama bisa berbeda, sistemnya outdoor, dan yang paling nyaman owner tidak selalu bertanya apa yang kita mau beli, dia menjawab jika bertanya, sehingga kita bisa puas berjalan-jalan dan melihat-lihat tanaman hias, sayangnya hanya satu owner tidak begitu memahami nama dan jenis tanaman yang mereka jual, disinilah fungsi autumn vibes !

Sepanjang jalan menuju perkebunan di hiasi tanaman hijau-hijauan, sangat menenangkan mata, secara garis besar kita mengunjungi ladang bunga pikok, bunga sepatu, bunga mawar, dan tanaman hias baik yang berbunga maupun tidak. Kita bisa membelinya perpot, di sini tidak menjual bibit maupun bunga potong, bunga potong dan bibit di jual di tempat lain namun masih satu wilayah. 

ladang bunga sepatu
bunga mawar yang sedang di kembangkan secara genetik, seperti warna ungu muda
Perkembangan pertanian disini bisa dibilang sangat berkembang, mulai dari perkawinan bunga dan variasa bunga pada bunga, seperti bunga sepatu tidak hanya berwarna merah tetapi juga merah muda dan warna-warna indah lainnya. Bisa dibayang melihat bunga dengan satu variasi dengan jumlah yang banyak sudah terlihat begitu indah, apa bermacam-macam variasi :"
We definitely gonna come back here when we need some peace and quiet atmosphere :'>